Moving your business to the cloud is a big undertaking

Our team of full stack experts will take an unbiased approach to planning your migration by learning your goals, assessing your current setup, finding any gaps in your skills and technology, and putting it all in a detailed plan.

With competencies in both AWS and Azure, we are one of the few tech shops that can take an unbiased approach to planning your move to the cloud. Our core service is a comprehensive cloud migration process that includes planning, execution, and post-migration optimisation.

Free cloud readiness assessment

Your free project plan for the cloud

With greater productivity and lower costs, the business case for moving workloads to the cloud is clear. Project planning your migration is as important as the implementation work itself. A cloud readiness assessment will transform your business’s idea of moving to the cloud into a detailed plan that explains how to make it happen and in what order events should occur.

You might even qualify for funding

If you are interested in moving your workloads onto AWS, you may be eligible for a complimentary cloud assessment. *

* To be determined based on number of workloads


About Us

30+ years of experience in IT solutions

Trusted partner

We are an AWS Migration accredited partner with a decade long AWS partnership.

200+ customers

We're across many industries

Our customers include financial services, healthcare, professional services and software.

150+ certifications

We know the cloud

Delivering confidence of broad and deep expertise across all our disciplines and cloud technologies.

9 years

A partner for the long haul

Our average customer has been with us for 9 years.

Agile local talent

We're based across asia-pacific

Action over red tape with an average of 15 days to launch new cloud managed services.​

Why a cloud readiness assessment?

  • Uncover cost-saving opportunities. Reduce your cloud deployment costs and identify savings

  • Gain insight into existing costs by better understanding the cost of your existing IT infrastructure

  • Modernise your IT. Understand the process to introduce cloud services to your business

  • Leverage our proven experience. We've helped many businesses like yours move to the AWS cloud.

Why organisations move to the cloud

Cloud computing is firmly established as the new normal and it continues to be one of the fastest-growing segments of IT spend.

Our team of full stack experts move organisations to the cloud quickly, via the lowest risk and the easiest path. We’re seasoned navigators, having delivered hundreds of cutting-edge cloud projects.

The main reasons organisations move to the cloud are:

1. Security and data protection

Security is top of mind for everyone and cyber security attacks are rising in sophistication. Working with a tier one cloud provider like AWS or Microsoft Azure, makes best practice security measures more accessible and affordable than running on-prem servers or working from local data centres.

2. Data modernisation

This involves moving data from legacy to modern databases. Business leaders today need timely and targeted analytics on existing data and many rely on a stream of insights enabled through data hosted in the cloud.

3. Cost and performance

Cost and performance have long been key drivers for cloud adoption. Moving to the cloud will mean savings on big capital expenditures like IT hardware but it also enables operational agility and greater levels of efficiency.

Leveraging the cloud

The demand for cloud computing has risen quickly and the learning curve can be steep. This means many in-house IT teams just don’t have the technical expertise needed to fully leverage the opportunity and it’s common for organisations to find cloud is more complex than they expected.

No matter where you are on your cloud journey, our team of full stack experts will take an objective approach to helping plan your migration, identifying what workloads should live where, managing costs and optimising your operations.

Book your free cloud readiness assessment

Book your free cloud readiness assessment