• 5 signs that your business is ready for the cloud

5 signs that your business is ready for the cloud

Written by Lancom Technology, November 2020

With the whole world apparently going cloud crazy, you might get the idea that you’re missing out (and the chances are, if your technology systems are long in the tooth, you are). Check out these five signs which show your business is ready to take the leap…and reap the rewards.

1. You have good internet connectivity

New Zealand is in the midst of the national Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) network rollout, which has put low-cost business-grade internet within reach of a growing number of companies. If you already have UFB, the cloud makes perfect sense – because cloud services work best when there is an excellent connection. It’s a very good idea, before putting business critical services in the cloud, to first make sure your connectivity is up to it. Your solution provider should provide you with the necessary analysis and insight to make an informed call - but if you do have fibre, it makes you a prime candidate for putting more into the cloud.

2. Your employees work remotely

Flexible working arrangements are increasingly commonplace as employees (and employers) seek to establish better work/life balances, enabled by information and telecoms technology. At the same time, more people are working ‘on the go’ than ever before. If you have employees working remotely, empower them further with cloud services like Microsoft Office 365, cloud storage and any one of a number of applications for getting the job done.

3. Your hardware is approaching end-of-life

This is a biggie and one which we encounter routinely. Old machines in cupboards or dedicated server rooms inevitably get a bit cranky as time goes by and eventually require replacement. The good news with the cloud is that you can ditch them altogether, reclaim the space they once occupied and reap a host of additional rewards. That includes avoiding the capex associated with new hardware purchases, enjoying ‘server side’ updates (no more patching) and far greater reliability. If your servers are getting gremlins, talk to your solution provider about what’s available in the cloud. Chances are, you’ll be in for a performance boost without the associated big costs of new hardware.

4. You're moving premises

Notice how much fun it is to move servers from one location to another? Of course not. We work in this business every day and moving IT equipment is never enjoyable. Instead of setting up a new server room and shifting all that gear into it, consider moving into the future with cloud services. Doesn’t matter where you go, if it’s in the cloud, it comes with you as long as there’s an internet connection available.

5. You lack a Disaster Recovery plan

Be honest: how good is your ability to recover from a disaster? For most businesses, the simple answer is ‘not that great’. One of the major advantages of cloud computing is its remote nature; even if your office goes under water, as long as your business applications are in the cloud, you can keep working so long as you have a PC, a desk and a chair – things found in most people’s homes (so you and your employees can arguably keep things going).
However, if things go south and all of your critical IT infrastructure is on premise, replicating that infrastructure and information becomes very difficult...and very expensive. It’s a bit of a no-brainer, we think.

About Lancom Technology

We’re a leading IT company serving Australia and New Zealand by specialising in providing software development, cloud services, managed services and data & insights to help businesses succeed by doing more with less.

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