3 useful (and FREE) mobile apps to take your business on the go

written by Priscila BernardesJan 19, 2016 9:30:00 AM


The world is changing as technology grows ever more mobile. Cellphones have gone from bulky, large pieces of hardware to smaller, more compact specimens; always useful, they’ve also evolved from ‘just’ making calls, to revolutionary tools for doing business over the internet. For owners of any business, the opportunity presented by these connected devices cannot be ignored, as they deliver efficiencies, convenience and productivity benefits which can substantially boost personal and company performance .

Doing that depends on more than the smartphone, though – it comes down to the apps you’re using. Here’s our pick of three particularly useful apps which can give your company that little bit of extra oomph:

Office Lens: Get the full picture

Take a photo and Office Lens turns it into a more useable document. This app trims, enhances and improves pictures of whiteboards and other documents and saves them to OneNote. Use Office Lens to convert photographs to other file types, such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint.

With Office Lens, you’ve effectively got a scanner in your pocket which digitises paper or other notes, then makes them easy to find. Sketch your ideas and snap a picture for later, take a shot of a business card, capture receipts and sticky notes – digitised by Office Lens, you’ll never lose them again!

Calendly: Save the date

Spend a lot of time going up and down to synchronise calendars? There is a better way and it’s called Calendly. This app integrates with Office 365 or Google calendars to share availability information – so you can instantly see when your colleagues and associates are available and book time with them. Like many great ideas, it’s simple and just works well.

Genius Scan: A scanner in your pocket

Scanning papers has never been an engaging task; first of all, how does the thing work? Forget about figuring that out with Genius Scan. This app turns your smartphone into a pocket scanner which quickly digitises paper documents. Just take a photo and Genius Scan does the rest, uploading it to the cloud or equipping you to crop and email.

These are just three great apps which we’ve seen deliver substantial (and easy) benefits for many of our clients. By taking advantage of the full power of smartphones, you can quickly and cost-effectively thrust your business into the future.

Got any favourite mobile apps for your business? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to learn more.

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About Priscila Bernardes

Passionate about relationship building, Priscila leads Lancom Technology as CEO. With an Executive MBA and a decade of IT experience, Priscila loves challenging the status quo and finding innovative ways to service our clients, while sharing what she is learning with the community.