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5 Ways to Boost Operational Efficiency in 2017 | Lancom Technology

Written by Priscila Bernardes | Nov 21, 2016 8:30:00 PM

It’s the time of year where we all start to consider resolutions whether it’s exercising more, eating healthier or finally moving to that dream job. Your organisation shouldn’t be treated any differently and we’ve created a short list to let you trim the fat and start fresh in 2017.


  1. Give your employees an efficient IT environment


Ensuring that your organisation is based on a strong foundation that is flexible and adaptable to change is best practice. If you consistently experience network downtime, lag, slow internet connection speeds, this needs to be addressed. The time that is being wasted waiting for slow or old infrastructure is most likely one of the primary drivers for your organizations current operational inefficiency.


  1. Enhance Collaboration


One guaranteed way to boost efficiency in the new year is to empower your employees with the tools to collaborate. Pairing staff with technology that enables transparent communication across different platforms encourages accountability, innovation and productivity. A suite like Microsoft Office 365 will give your team the ability to work anywhere, anytime on anything.


  1. Outsource IT


Where are your employees spending their time? Are your salespeople spending time downloading software and installing programs, or are you a high level manager constantly riddled by email problems leaving you scouring Google for a quick fix?  You need to assess whether this should be outsourced to a professional to take the burden away from your staff and allow them to focus on your core business competencies. An IT provider can bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, better practices and cost advantages.


  1. Enable a mobile workforce


Employees in SMB’s are more likely to travel, thus they need access to work documents whilst on the go. Inefficient mobile integration will inevitably lead to staff frustrations and work that is lacking. Mobility and subsequent applications can drive technology forward in your business and with the right management and implementation, mobile can be successfully leveraged in any organisation. 


  1. Develop a Strong IT Plan


While it’s good to set a resolution for your business, it’s really not sufficient. Knowing what you want to achieve from your technology should be a core component of any comprehensive business plan. Technology is such a crucial part of every organisation and without substantial planning, you’re effectively driving blind.

If you find it difficult to implement these suggestions or need further assistance in planning and development you should engage a trusted IT Services Provider. Working with a reputable IT provider will ensure that your organisation is creating a sustainable plan to achieve your business goals and objectives.